About FBSG

Courts, agencies, schools, institutions and companies have an obligation to ensure the safety of their citizens, consumers, students and staff.  Forensic Behavioural Science Group provides scientifically informed assessment and consultation to help institutions, organizations, and courts ensure the safety of the people they employ or serve, while simultaneously ensuring compliance with best practices for offender rehabilitation and/or occupational health and safety. 

About Dr. Ennis

Dr. Liam Ennis

Dr. Liam Ennis is a registered psychologist and internationally recognized as an expert in the field of violence risk assessment and management.  He previously served as the resident forensic psychologist for Alberta Law Enforcement Response Teams (ALERT), assigned to the Integrated Threat and Risk Assessment Center (ITRAC), where he provided training and consultation to law enforcement and child protective services for the prevention of intimate partner violence, stalking, workplace violence, and other forms of targeted violence. Dr. Ennis has also worked in forensic mental health corrections, and spent 10 years assessing psychological injuries for the Indian Residential School Secretariat. He has been qualified as an expert witness in Provincial Court and Court of Queen’s Bench, and has published and presented internationally in the areas of threat assessment, violence prevention, and high-risk offender management.